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Virtual Volumes (VVOLs) are something new that VMware is working on to improve storage provisioning. Storage currently tends to be provisioned according to a gold, silver and bronze type of model that forces a virtualization administrator to pick the storage tier that most closely matches their needs.

VMware VVOLs are an attempt to solve this problem by more closely matching the requirements of a virtual machine (VM) to the underlying storage. In other words, storage can be provisioned dynamically according to the needs of the VM. VVOL creation can even be tied to application provisioning. This is a much more granular model than what we have today.

What is IPv6?

IPv6 is the replacement Internet protocol for IPv4.

Why is IPv6 Needed Now?

With its 32-bit address format, IPv4 can handle a maximum 4.3 billion unique IP addresses.

The number might seem very large, but it is not enough to sustain the current growth of the internet. Although improvements have been made in IPv4 to extend the use of protocol, but, address exhaustion is inevitable.

With its 128-bit address format, IPv6 can support 3.4 x 1038 or340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,456 unique IP addresses. This number of addresses is large enough to configure a unique address on every node in the Internet and still have plenty of addresses left over.

This webinar goes through what has changed since the vSphere 5.5 product release and what is new in vSphere 6.

Q: Are the storage policies same for VSAN and VVOL?

Not the same as VSAN. They are dependent on the features the array can offer

Q: Can VVOL replace VAAI?

VVol introduces new primitives which basically eliminates the use of VAAI NAS primitives. The VAAI Block primitives whenever a function cannot be performed with the new VVol primates. This is all possible as long as the array can support VAAI and VVol and the storage vendor has chosen to use VAAI as part of their implementation.